Hilton Head Island
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Is your home in need of repairs that you just can't afford?
If you are an income-qualified homeowner living within the Town of Hilton Head Island, you may be eligible for the Town's Home Safety & Repair Program. The program will pay for:
Funding for the program comes from the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, a federal government legislation to address negative impacts caused by COVID-19 including housing issues, rent and utility issues and food insecurity.
To qualify for the program, the homeowner's income cannot exceed 60 percent of the Area Median Income (AMI) for Beaufort County, South Carolina. Qualified applicants may receive assistance for multiple improvements to their property with total expenditures limited to $15,000 per fiscal year, per applicant, unless the Town deems the request to be an emergency and authorizes an exception to the $15,000 limit.
Home Safety & Repair Program Application
Along with the completed application, you must provide the following documents:
Applications should be submitted to the Town.
Stephen G. Riley Municipal Complex 1 Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 29928
Town of Hilton Head Island Attn: Home Safety & Repair Program 1 Town Center Court Hilton Head Island, SC 2992
* Eligible homeowners will be contacted if their application is approved.
Contact Sharonica Gavin, Principal Planner - Historic Neighborhoods, at SharonicaG@hiltonheadislandsc.govv or 843-715-4307
Contractors Needed